Good morning everyone
A few new updated positions added to the map page as well as more downloadable maps.
We have about 80 more sites to document and add so keep checking back on our progress over winter.
Above (top) Archirondel Tower is one of Twenty-three Conway towers built between 1778 and 1801. The tower was completed in 1794. Only Archirondel, Seymour and La Rocco Towers are built like this containing a gun battery at the foot of the tower. In the Second World War it and the surrounding area was modified to form a resistance nest and included the below:
One light Machine Gun 34
One 5.2cm Russian Mortar
Two light Machine Gun 34’s with one twin mount [for Machine Guns]
One 3.7cm French Puteaux gun mounted in a Renault FT 17 tank turret
One 7.5cm Anti-Tank gun casemated
Four defence flamethrowers
One 30cm infantry searchlight
Occupation Focus
80 years ago today 8th of December 1940
Today would be the 161st day of the Islands Occupation with 1,614 days remaining. "Incendiary bombs dropped by aircraft in the Five Mile Road district; no damage reported. Death of Lt.-Col. H. H. Hulton, D.S.O., Government Secretary. " Leslie Sinel Civilian working at the Evening Post (Jersey)

Further afield
80 years ago today
8th of December 1940

The above was part of a draft of a letter sent from Winston Churchill to President Roosevelt, on the 8 December 1940.
"My dear Mr. President,
AS we reach the end of this year, I feel you will expect me to lay before you the prospects for 1941. I do so with candour and confidence because it seems to me that the vast majority of American citizens have recorded their conviction that the safety of the United States as well as the future of our two democracies and the kind of civilization for which they stand, are bound up with the survival and independence of the British Commonwealth of Nations. Only thus can those bastions of sea power, upon which the control of the Atlantic and Indian Oceans depend, be preserved in faithful and friendly hands. The control of the Pacific by the United States Navy and of the Atlantic by the British Navy, is indispensable to the security and the trade routes of both our countries, and the surest means of preventing war from reaching the shores of the United States."

The December book recommendation is "The Americans on D-Day"
This book has 450 dramatic photographs captured in northern France during the first day and week of its liberation and is available on kindle! Click the photo to find out more. It also would make a fantastic Christmas Present.