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Ho5 Tunnel Project 


"Hohlgangsanlage" are a number of tunnel complexes constructed by the Germans using slave and forced labour during the Occupation. The tunnels would have had multiple roles from munitions storage, troop & equipment shelter, hospitals and many other functions.


At the end of November 2017 Jersey, War Tours started a Heritage Evaluation Survey of the German WW2 Tunnel known as Hohlgangsanlage 5 (HO5). The Tunnel is found close to the Harbour in St Aubin in the parish of St Brelade on the island of Jersey.


HO5 was used by the German occupying forces for the storage of ammunition and fighting equipment.


This evaluation is aimed to record the history of the site, identifying any remaining artefacts from the second world war, and catalogue and log any inscriptions. Assist in the preservation of the site and any maintenance required during the length of this project.


Jersey War Tours will use digital visualization, 3D virtualization, geospatial informatics, and open-access solutions to provide digital data and 3D models to the government of Jersey, regional institutions, museums, local scholars, and the general public.


All work will also be provided to Jersey Heritage to assist with the Historic Environment Record and be submitted to Jersey Planning and other interested parties, for example, the Channel Island Occupation Société and Société Jersiaise.


This report may contain material that is copyrighted or the intellectual property of a third party.

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